The Economic Impact of Boomers in Age-Restricted Communities =============== #a68d0c75 ver:0.25 The decision of Baby Boomers to work past retirement age is reshaping the workforce and economy. Many choose to continue working because they enjoy it and want to remain productive. This trend is driven by factors such as changes in pension plans and an uncertain future for Social Security. While it benefits the economy by increasing earning power and labor force growth, it may limit opportunities for younger generations. Companies are implementing phased retirement programs to accommodate older workers. However, age discrimination remains a challenge. The spending habits of Baby Boomers have boosted the US economy and helped fend off recession. They are also contributing to the strain on the economy and resources as they retire. Age-restricted communities tailored to older residents are becoming popular, recognizing the purchasing power and lifestyle preferences of Boomers. #BabyBoomers #Workforce #Economy #Retirement #AgeDiscrimination #Recession #AgeRestrictedCommunities... #newstr #BabyBoomers #Retirement #AgerestrictedCommunities #Economy