That's the note ABOVE my reply (which remains unaddressed), not a note BELOW it:
Coordinator fees do not protect you at all against a Sybil attacker if the coordinator is part of your threat model 🙄
Mining fees are protect you against a Sybil attacker, and Whirlpool is especially vulnerable to Sbil attacks because THE ATTACK VICTIMS PAY THE MINING FEES FOR THE BLOCK SPACE USED BY ATTACKERS.
The coordinator fee incentives of tx0 give Sybil attackers an advantage over regular users because they get a DISCOUNTED COORDINATOR FEE for splitting their coins and participating in more rounds compared to consolidating into bigger pools.
The worst part is, none of this Sybil attack discussion even remotely touches the original point, which is how premixing is HARMING privacy while WASTING block space:*aejZWUj%5Bxuj%5D%25MWURQWANFoMW-%3FcMxIU%25gNFWExuRjRkM%7BX7xbnQR%2BbEWBX7spf%2CxakBIonjazWBxHNssEt7kCRPtQV%5BM%7BxuRjIUof%25LRkV%40oeWCWAog&x=3226e49be19cf5640fddfd6ca3bccf5b980d5202c66abdcbe16ee69572319df1