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 Daily inspiration: "Are you ready for the inconceivable to become conceivable?" - Futurist Jim Carroll

It's difficult to comprehend the speed of change when things are exponentiating; it's a challenge to grasp the impact of the era of acceleration when we are accelerating.

Exponential change is all around us. We are at the edge of the era of being able to grow human body parts for replacement in our bodies. Genomic medicine and pharmacogenetics take us to a world in which we can treat many forms of disease and illness before they occur. Molecular cancer diagnostics will help us identify many cancers at an early stage before they have a chance to progress. Batteries are the future of everything as carbon becomes a sunset industry. Autonomy is taking hold with self-driving trucks, tractors and combines. Robotics is accelerating leading to massive rates of change in factories. Digital twin technology is letting us create entire virtual replicas that can guide us through surgeries, construction, and logistics. AI is leading to an absolute explosion in new knowledge, discoveries, and skills. New materials science is leading to the absolute possibility of new materials that are lighter than air. Old industries are disappearing and new ones are emerging.

All of this is happening because of the speed of exponential change. 

What's your plan to realign to speed?

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2023/10/daily-inspiration-innovation-discovery-never-give-up-just-give-more/
