Bitcoin's purpose is much higher than increasing the net worth of those who hold it (or hold exposure to it). Bitcoin is freedom money and the siren calls of wealth and convenience are on their way to undermine the mission. Don't get distracted. Our children will be free.
“The ultimate ends of the activities of reasonable beings are never economic. Money is one of the greatest instruments of freedom ever invented by man.” - FA Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
Your comment on Israel and the Huti were shit, I listen to you for the last 5 years and you comment "Israel need to stop leveling Gaza" show how ignorant you are, they fucking have 120 kidnapped ppl in Gaza. If you do not see that it is all part of china + Russia + Iran you are stupid shit. If you think once China + Iran + Russia will control the world you will still have Bitcoin you are delusional. You choose the wrong side men, shame on you.