I just got my first copy of the Bitcoin Standard and I know that literally 0 people will care except for you guys. lol wish me luck.
Enjoy! That book completely changed my life. This one is great too. But if you like Bitcoin Standard I’d say check out Broken Money by @LynAlden next https://m.primal.net/JJYH.jpg
Enjoy, and ignore the unnecessary cultural stuff unless you agree with him.
Agree… the parts about fiat art and food weren’t necessary to understanding the main concepts and will probably turn future bitcoiners off who would otherwise find the book extremely valuable.
I actually don't recommend the Bitcoin standard to people any more because of those parts of the book. While he's not necessarily wrong on the food part, He could have left all that crap out along with the personal attacks on keynes and it would have been a much more concise convincing book imo.
💯- this is why I prefer Broken Money. Although more dense, it’s also more objective (as is most of Lyn’s writing).
🤝 agreed.
What are you recommending now then?
Broken money. But before that books like "economics in one lesson" and "Creature from Jekyll Island" depending on the person. Personally, I get anyone to read anything about Bitcoin now a days until they understood how fucked up our current monetary system is. IMO people need to understand the current state of things before getting a solution shoved in their face.
Saif is ahead of his time. Food will be unpicked first, ‘Fiat Food’ is already doing that as are all the SeedOilDisrespectoors and the mass of Carnivore influencoors. Fiat art is obvious to anyone who cares, which isn’t many but to anyone paying attention it’s clear. I reckon his book will hold up incredibly well over time. In future we’ll recognise the flow to be Menger, Mises, Hayek, Rothbard and then Ammous.
Yea I don’t disagree with him. Just didn’t think those chapters were necessary or helpful to making his argument. Leaving them out would have made the book more accessible to everyone.
Then you’ll see normies come round to these views. If you don’t disagree, just be patient. The Bitcoin Standard was never meant to be for everyone IMO. It was meant to persuade those on the cusp of orangepilling. His goals are not your/my goals. When you see that you’ll understand
Happy new spectacles ;) It is not immediate learning to see with them though. At the moment I finally can say that I live in a Bitcoin standard, because I can and because it is the only thing that makes sense after studying for awhile. I do it because I studied and got comfortable with the tech involving BTC and I have: Zero debt. A bit of income that normally can be used to stake sats. A readily fiat cushion enough to cover some normal stuff that gets in the way. In the end I get zero anxiety with the ups and downs of news, BTC or FIAT related :) Happy learning Eliza.
Just remember that nobody will care more than you. That was my original orange pilling book, so it has a special place with me. There are lots of good book recommendations here. All the good ones say the seem thing, but speak to people differently based on where they are at in life.
Great read, enjoy. IMHO, The Fiat Standard is even better. It's a meticulous critique of the fiat world that helped me understand how the monetary system affects virtually every aspect of the society. Even though it sounds batshit insane, the old phrase "bitcoin fixes everything" actually has merit. Just wish @saifedean was more active on Nostr!
the fiat standard made me realize so many things in our every day lives that I always knew but could never put my finger on why things were as they were from food to architecture, etc.
I don’t care about your grifting arse even here on nostr Eliza. You can die in a fire for all I care you stupid cunt.
enjoy! I also recommend reading Broken Money by @LynAlden. they're very similar. Check your Financial Privilege by @gladstein is a great read too.
live shot of eliza powering up rn https://media1.tenor.com/m/pPCtX4Tv6jcAAAAC/laser-eyes-stare.gif