The rich art school kids pretending to be poor, grew up, got jobs in culutual, academic and political industries and started bringing their (often retro) online protest politics and Tumblr cultural to their new jobs. Once slightly fringe, and niche interests, language and concepts were then pushed into mainstream. Queer used to be some sort of fringe too, now it sort of just means you shop at retro second hand shops. Queer has become generic pop culture now, which is sort of funny. Perhaps it was heavily posturing to begin with and this is the logical conclusion. It wasn't that long ago that no one knew what cis, diaspora, intersectional blah blah even meant. Now it's sort of everywhere, which was the goal. But it also induces an internal eye rolling. You daren't roll your eyes publicly tho, cos those rich Tumblr kids are also in charge of the HR department. So you have to play along lol.
It is really worth losing your job over? Type beat.