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 It's almost only a SoV. Digital gold.
Nostr is the first attempt to use it as a currency, at scale. 
 It's right there in the name, peer to peer electronic cash.  A cache of munitions, of data, of jewelry isn't meant to convey transactionality, but rather storage

Deliberation about spending is a function of time, so storage is IMO more important than transactionality. 
 Thanks for the word salad. 
 Cache, storage, transaction, value, spend, the other cash, deliberate

I think that's as compressed as I can make it 
 No one talks like that IRL, idk who you’re trying to impress. Sounds like an answer AI would give if you asked it to sound smart 
 Funny how written & spoken language diverge when we don't have time and make eye contact during a dialogue 😉