Security updates for Monday Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (kernel, python3.12, and python3.9), Debian (activemq, chromium, libheif, nss, and twisted), Fedora (chromium, dnsdist, dotnet8.0, edk2, glibc, libdigidocpp, mbedtls3.6, NetworkManager-libreswan, oath-toolkit, podman-tui, prometheus-podman-exporter, python-fastapi, python-openapi-core, python-platformio, python-rpyc, python-starlette, rust-pyo3, rust-pyo3-build-config, rust-pyo3-ffi, rust-pyo3-macros, rust-pyo3-macros-backend, suricata, thunderbird, and yarnpkg), Mageia (cpanminus, libgsf, mozjs78, redis, and thunderbird), Oracle (firefox, python3.12, python3.9, and python39:3.9 and python39-devel:3.9), Red Hat (edk2, grafana, httpd, httpd:2.4, and mod_jk), and SUSE (nodejs-electron, python3, python310, and python39).