The other thing that always bothered me was that the house had no real purpose, it was just kind of a place to sleep and then amounted to a “skin” for your character in a way. Little function, lots of costs and pretend.
Everything should’ve helped you in the game.
- Like a wardrobe literally let you store away tons of extra armor and outfits with specific attributes, so depending on where you are adventuring, you go back and swap out your outfits.
- Again a forge to repair swords and shields and stuff
- A storage container/closet that let you store materials and bugs, etc.
- A kitchen/oven to cook more potent recipes.
- An icebox to store extra food
- a garden or animal pen to literally harvest plants and ingredients, or farm the animals (they just replicate if you leave them basically)
- A stable for your horses
Etc etc
Then you could add slightly stricter limits to what you could carry, and it would make the game strategy more important and purposeful.