yeah, i've been thinking about it, because i have part way done the tooling to manage a paid relay service using DMs and for the customer side we need to be able to tolerate anything, so there's things that can be done one, the relay will never generate or use 3 keys, that's now fully fixed in my codebase two, the initial messages with a user will send out assuming both 2 and 3, and each one will have a different string that the user is asked to paste and return, and this will confirm, and if 3 keys are discovered they will be stored in the database - probably just make a public event with a note saying "this key is an odd key" so others can discover this after that i think that is enough measures other than simply pointing it out to the nip guardians that their protocol uses ecdh without strict odd prohibition (as you say, you can either roll again for a 2 or you can modulo subtract the curve order G from the key and voila - considering this avoids needing to derive the key again i might need to revisit this option