# I don't agree with what he is saying
#Section5 #PublicOrderAct
As i have posted before, #alQaida got the green light from #binOthaimeen and then started copycatting everyone from the #TamilTigers to #AumShinrikyo
The arguments they give don't make sense, ~40% of the population that is eligible to vote in the UK actually vote, and that is not all the population. They don't live in a democracy but a republic and don't make the laws or have a say in it, and the millions of people that come out to protest make 0 difference. So why kill them?
I believe it is actually pre-Islamic #Arab tribal law ( #jahiliyyah ): like in #Yemen when one tribe killed another tribe's #Quran teacher, the other tribe killed or tried to kill **their** Quran teacher.