LEMME DROP SOME HISTORY OK YOU, SOME REAL KNOWLEDGE: nostr:nevent1qqsp78qdxjway0e5t5epe6w42kwr82v4tgrs2gh8nv5rv0ekupamx8spr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgs2sr7y57rrfm3x4272e9gmfn7hk44wrzat6v794lw0d0kkmjqwh5grqsqqqqqpn9efky #Hastags were created when #engineer Chris Messina decided to use hashtags as #a way to filter through Early Twitter tweets as a #way to follow what was happening durning certain / urgent/ events. Then slowly people used them as a way #to follow a conversation and was a #signal for shared experiences.