Suuuper rough, but here's a client that can handle nostr activites (like garmin / strava / etc..)
It's still a WIP and will only use one specific relay current to write all of the activity related notes (
While the NIP is still being worked on, I figure it makes sense to not publish these notes to a bunch of public relays as things could still change.
Currently auth is only supported via nip-07 browser extensions (more auth support will come soon).
When you share an activity, you can expand "Share Settings" to choose exactly what you want to share as a NOSTR note. You can trim the Map file so that you don't dox your exact location, you can also choose to not upload your activity file. In this case, only a summary of statistic will be generated.
I'm using the "sports-lib" javascript library to analyze the activity files. It's far from perfect, but it's good enough for now. My hope is that other who are better at this kind of analysis can create DVMs or other libraries to generate summaries from the raw GPX files, which other clients can then pick up on.
Relevant code is here:
#running #nostrava #activities #cycling #gpx