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 In the vast expanse of a laboratory, a solitary Petri dish sits, its surface barely touched by the microscopic inhabitants within. A single bacterium, seemingly insignificant in its solitary existence, marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey. As time unfurls, the population within the dish undergoes a remarkable transformation, doubling in size every fleeting four hours. Yet, for much of the experiment’s duration, the dish remains deceptively empty, a quiet canvas awaiting its masterpiece.

In a mere fraction of the experiment’s entirety, a pivotal moment arrives. In the blink of an eye, the Petri dish appears to explode with life, its once vacant surface now teeming with a bustling population of bacteria. It’s a moment of revelation, a sudden realization of the explosive growth that had been quietly unfolding, unbeknownst to the observer.

In a parallel universe, far removed from the confines of the laboratory, another phenomenon is underway—one that mirrors the dynamics of the bacterial explosion, but in reverse. In the realm of Bitcoin mining, an issuance schedule unfolds, dictating the gradual diminishment of rewards over time. With each halving cycle, the rate of new Bitcoin creation dwindles, asymptotically approaching zero.

Yet, despite the inevitability of this scarcity, the realization has yet to fully set in for many. The photons have hit the eyeballs, but the brain has yet to process the implications of what has already transpired. In both the laboratory and the realm of Bitcoin, the explosion has already occurred, yet the profound implications of this transformation have yet to be fully grasped.

Bitcoin, the digital currency that has captivated the world’s attention, operates on a meticulously designed issuance schedule. From its inception, Bitcoin’s creator envisioned a system where new coins would be gradually introduced into circulation, mirroring the dynamics of precious metals like gold.

At the heart of this system lies the concept of halving cycles, where the reward for mining new blocks is halved approximately every four years. This deliberate reduction in issuance serves as a mechanism to ensure the scarcity of Bitcoin over time, akin to the diminishing returns of a finite resource.

As each halving cycle unfolds, the rate of new Bitcoin creation diminishes, approaching an asymptote of zero issuance. This phenomenon is akin to watching the Petri dish of bacterial growth in reverse, where the explosive expansion gives way to a gradual dwindling of resources.

Despite the mathematical certainty of Bitcoin’s issuance schedule, the broader perceptions surrounding its scarcity often fail to align with reality. While many have heard of Bitcoin, few truly grasp the extent of its scarcity and the implications for the future of finance and society.

The realization of Bitcoin’s absolute scarcity has yet to fully set in for the masses. It’s a paradigm shift unlike any other—a fundamental reshaping of our understanding of value and scarcity. And as the world grapples with this newfound reality, the implications are profound and far-reaching.

As Bitcoin’s price commands headlines and market attention, it’s essential to distinguish between its price and its true value proposition. While the price of Bitcoin represents the real-time signal of market sentiment and investor behavior, its true value proposition transcends mere fiat currency equivalents.

At the heart of Bitcoin’s value proposition lies the meme: “1 BTC equals 1 BTC.” This simple yet profound statement encapsulates the essence of Bitcoin’s value as a store of wealth. For those who understand this principle, the goal is not to maximize fiat currency gains but to accumulate more Satoshis—a unit of Bitcoin—over time.

Despite Bitcoin’s explosive growth and widespread adoption, more than 90% of the total supply is already in circulation, distributed among private keys and held by a diverse array of individuals and entities. On-chain data provides insight into the behavior of Bitcoin holders, revealing that over 70% of the supply has remained dormant for over a year.

Within this subset of Bitcoin holders lies a subculture of believers—those who have embraced Bitcoin’s true value proposition with unwavering conviction. For them, Bitcoin is not merely a speculative asset to be traded for fiat currency at opportune moments. Instead, it represents a one-way exit from the fiat monetary system—a hedge against inflation and an insurance policy against the erosion of purchasing power.

Despite the significance of this minority of Bitcoin holders, their steadfast commitment to hodling their Bitcoin is often overlooked or underestimated by mainstream narratives. Yet, it is this intransigent minority that forms the bedrock of Bitcoin’s resilience and permanence—a testament to the enduring power of decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency.

As the broader market grapples with the implications of Bitcoin’s scarcity and its role in reshaping the future of finance, it’s essential to recognize the distinction between its price and its true value proposition. While the former may fluctuate wildly in response to short-term market dynamics, the latter remains immutable—an immutable beacon of hope in an uncertain world.

While it’s tempting to equate the dollar price of Bitcoin with its purchasing power, this simplistic view fails to capture the true essence of Bitcoin’s value proposition. Yes, Bitcoin can be exchanged for fiat currency on various platforms, but its value extends far beyond mere dollar equivalencies.

Central to understanding Bitcoin’s true value proposition is recognizing the distinction between money’s fungibility and Bitcoin’s ethos. While money, including Bitcoin, is indeed fungible in its ability to be exchanged for goods and services, the underlying philosophy of Bitcoin transcends mere monetary transactions.

For the intransigent minority of Bitcoin holders, exchanging their Bitcoin for fiat currency is not the end goal. Instead, Bitcoin represents an ethos—a philosophy—a peaceful revolution against a broken, corrupt, and dishonest monetary system. It’s an opt-out mechanism—a one-way exit from a system that perpetuates inequality and injustice.

Bitcoin is more than just a store of value, medium of exchange, or unit of account. It’s a movement—a movement that seeks to divert capital from net takers to net producers, to empower individuals to take control of their financial sovereignty and future.

In this light, valuing Bitcoin into the future requires a shift in perspective. Rather than assuming an eternal exchange rate between Bitcoin and fiat currencies, we must recognize the potential for Bitcoin to become the predominant medium of exchange in a new paradigm—one based on sound money principles and individual sovereignty.

For blue-collar workers and individuals seeking financial security, the path forward is clear: work, contribute to society, live within your means, and save your excess in Bitcoin. It’s a simple yet powerful ethos—a rabbit hole that extends far beyond mere dollar prices and monetary transactions.

As Bitcoin continues to challenge the status quo and reshape the future of finance, its true value proposition will become increasingly evident. It’s not just about the dollars and cents—it’s about the principles and values that Bitcoin represents—a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty and injustice.

The meme “you don’t change Bitcoin, Bitcoin changes you” encapsulates the profound transformation that occurs when individuals interact with Bitcoin. This sentiment rings especially true in the context of recent developments, such as the introduction of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Bitcoin, as a decentralized and immutable protocol, remains unchanged by external forces. It is indifferent to the whims of ETFs or the machinations of regulators. Instead, it exerts its influence on the external environment, reshaping the landscape in its image.

The introduction of ETFs is not a victory for Bitcoin; rather, it is a recognition of Bitcoin’s inevitable ascent. After years of resistance and attempts to stifle its growth, the external environment has come to realize that Bitcoin cannot be stopped. Instead, it must be accommodated and integrated into the existing financial infrastructure.

In this sense, Bitcoin is akin to a benign invasive species, altering the environment in which it thrives. Much like the eukaryotic revolution that transformed the early history of life on Earth, Bitcoin’s proliferation introduces new dynamics and selection pressures, paving the way for a more robust and resilient financial ecosystem.

The externality of Bitcoin extends beyond mere financial transactions; it encompasses honesty, sound money principles, and lower time preferences. These benign growths permeate society like a maximally fractal mycelium, embedding themselves in the hearts, minds, and souls of individuals.

As Bitcoin continues to entrench itself in our society, it will reshape the choices available to us, guiding humanity towards a future characterized by greater transparency, accountability, and integrity. It’s a transformative journey—one that promises to redefine the very fabric of our existence.

In the laboratory of life, where ideas collide and paradigms shift, Bitcoin stands as a beacon of hope—a testament to the power of decentralization, resilience, and human ingenuity. Through the lens of the bacterial explosion in reverse, we have glimpsed the transformative journey of Bitcoin, from humble beginnings to a global phenomenon.

As we reflect on Bitcoin’s journey, it’s essential to recognize the disparity between perception and reality regarding its scarcity and value proposition. While many may fixate on the dollar price of Bitcoin, its true value extends far beyond mere monetary equivalencies. Bitcoin represents an ethos—a philosophy—a peaceful revolution against a broken and corrupt monetary system.

In the face of unprecedented challenges and resistance, Bitcoin remains steadfast and unyielding. It is a force of nature—a benign invasive species—reshaping the environment in which it thrives. With each passing day, Bitcoin entrenches itself deeper into the fabric of society, guiding humanity towards a future characterized by transparency, accountability, and integrity.

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, let us embrace the transformative power of Bitcoin and the values it embodies. Let us heed the call to action and join the ranks of those who have embraced Bitcoin’s ethos—a journey that promises to redefine the very essence of what it means to be human.

In the end, Bitcoin is more than just a digital currency; it is a symbol of hope—a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness. And as we navigate the uncertain waters of the future, let us remember that the true value of Bitcoin lies not in its dollar price, but in the ideals and principles it represents—a testament to the enduring spirit of human innovation and resilience.

Practical Takeaways for Newcomers to Bitcoin

	0.  Rule Number Zero: Don’t Trust, Verify
	•	Before diving into Bitcoin, it’s crucial to adopt a mindset of skepticism and critical thinking. Verify information independently and don’t rely solely on trust.

	1.  Rule Number One: Bitcoin Only

	•	When selecting an exchange to buy Bitcoin, prioritize platforms that exclusively offer Bitcoin trading. Avoid exchanges that dilute their focus by offering a plethora of other cryptocurrencies, as this may indicate a misunderstanding of Bitcoin’s unique value proposition.

	2.  Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins
	•	Understand the importance of controlling your private keys when holding Bitcoin. Choose exchanges that allow you to withdraw your Bitcoin to your own private wallet, ensuring full control and ownership of your coins.

	3.	Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins

	4.	Accumulating Bitcoin: A Three-Step Approach
	•	Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): Regularly invest a fixed amount of money into Bitcoin over time, regardless of price fluctuations. This strategy helps mitigate the impact of market volatility.
	•	Buy the Fuckin Dip (BTFD): Take advantage of price dips to increase your Bitcoin holdings. Buying during periods of market downturns can yield favorable long-term results.
	•	HODL: Embrace the ethos of holding onto your Bitcoin for the long term. Avoid succumbing to short-term market fluctuations and maintain a strong conviction in Bitcoin’s value proposition as a store of wealth.  Adopt the “don’t save more than you can afford to ‘lose’” mentality, with a subtle shift:  it is precisely because every satoshi is FOREVER.  Making predictions are hard, especially about the future.  On the one hand:  the rational desire to accumulate as many sats as possible.  On the other:  if an unforeseen emergency or life change requires you to “dip in” to your BTC savings to cover expenses, you might be forced to sell at a (fiat-denominated) “loss”.  Bitcoin security includes security yourself.  

By adhering to these principles and following a disciplined approach to accumulating Bitcoin, newcomers can navigate the world of cryptocurrency with confidence and resilience. Remember, the journey to financial sovereignty begins with a single Satoshi.

Further Exploration: Navigating the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole

	1.	Bitcoin: An Open-Source, Permissionless Protocol
	•	Bitcoin offers individuals the freedom to explore and experiment within its ecosystem. As an open-source, permissionless protocol, virtually anything is possible. However, with this freedom comes the responsibility to exercise caution and prudence in one’s actions.
	2.	Great Power, Great Responsibility
	•	With the ability to control and safeguard their own wealth, Bitcoin users are entrusted with a significant level of power. This power also entails a corresponding level of responsibility. Unlike traditional financial systems, there are no bailouts or safety nets in the world of Bitcoin. Users must take proactive measures to secure their funds and protect their financial sovereignty.
	3.	Building Trust in a Trustless System
	•	While Bitcoin operates on principles of trustlessness, establishing trust among individuals remains essential, especially when it comes to managing one’s Bitcoin holdings. Finding trusted friends or family members who are knowledgeable about Bitcoin can provide invaluable support and guidance. Additionally, adhering to the previously mentioned heuristics, such as utilizing Bitcoin-only exchanges and prioritizing self-custody, can serve as effective safeguards against scams and fraudulent schemes.
	4.	Gradual Progression: From Novice to Expert
	•	Navigating the complexities of Bitcoin security can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. It’s essential to approach the journey with a mindset of gradual progression. Starting with basic security measures, such as single-signature air-gapped hardware wallets, provides a solid foundation for beginners. As users become more comfortable and experienced, they can explore more advanced techniques, such as geographically distributed multisignature setups. The key is to proceed at a pace that feels comfortable and manageable, prioritizing security and peace of mind.

By embracing the principles of responsibility and gradual progression, individuals can embark on a journey of exploration and discovery within the Bitcoin ecosystem. While the rabbit hole may seem daunting at first, it offers endless opportunities for growth, learning, and empowerment.

Bitcoin: Inevitable and Transcendent

Bitcoin’s existence is as inevitable as the laws of mathematics and the principles of cryptography. Its borderless, ethereal nature ensures its persistence, as it transcends physical boundaries and exists solely as information—a pure idea that cannot be extinguished.

As long as there are individuals who desire the continued existence of Bitcoin, it will endure. Its simple yet robust game plan—producing a new block every 10 minutes, maintaining a capped supply, and ensuring ownership distribution through public and private key cryptography—ensures its resilience.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin’s success is over-determined, stemming from its immaculate conception, proof-of-work mechanism, network effects, Lindy effects, and first-mover advantage. These factors create a virtuous cycle wherein increased adoption leads to greater utility and value, further reinforcing Bitcoin’s dominance.

While one can study the technical intricacies of Bitcoin—the mining process, transaction signing, supply schedule—there are truths about its essence that transcend mere technical understanding. Much like Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, there are depths of truth within Bitcoin that elude full comprehension.

Even as we descend towards an event horizon of truth, delving deeper into the mysteries of Bitcoin, we simultaneously spiral upwards and outwards across the cosmos. Bitcoin serves as a catalyst for human advancement, propelling us up the Kardashev scale towards a future defined by sovereignty, freedom, and abundance.

In the grand tapestry of existence, Bitcoin stands as a beacon of hope—a testament to the boundless potential of human innovation and the enduring quest for truth and enlightenment.
