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 If religion is to follow a systemized collection of ritual and dogma, it seems you would classify as someone who follows a religion. The ritual being reading the Bible and the dogma being that the Bible is authoritative. And I think it’s safe to assume when you say “Bible” you mean “Protestant Bible” as in the 73 books minus the 7 books the printing press axed for cost savings after Luther moved them to the appendix. I totally agree that the Bible is the word of God but it’s important to remember that the Catholic Church (guided by the Holy Spirit as our Lord tells us in Matthew 16:18) is the one that compiled it and for that reason I don’t think anyone can just go around messing with the canon like Luther and the publishing houses did. What I imagine you would consider all the “extra stuff” like the Eucharist, the Papacy, etc. is actually just an extension from the authority our Lord gave to Peter and the apostles to safeguard the deposit of faith and preach the Gospel. Instead of viewing the dogmas as constraining, may I suggest viewing them as liberating and a deepening of relationship with God, just as the Commandments do. Just as the Bible brings us closer to God, so too does the sacrifice of the mass, receiving the Eucharist, praying the rosary, etc.

A proper relationship with God requires more than just a mental assent to His truth. Relationship is incarnate. It takes a material form. Just as our Lord did when he took on human flesh and died for our sins. How we comport body and soul matters which is why religion is the expression of our faith.