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 Qualities of sound money from chapter 2 of nostr:npub1a2cww4kn9wqte4ry70vyfwqyqvpswksna27rtxd8vty6c74era8sdcw83a's Broken Money 

“- Divisible means that the money can be sub-divided into various sizes that are suitable for different sizes of purchases.

- Portable means that the money is easy to move across distances, which means it must pack a lot of value into a small weight.

- Durable means that the money is easy to save across time; it does not rot or rust or break easily.
Fungible means that individual units of the money don't differ significantly from each other; one is as good as any other.

- Verifiable means that the seller of the goods or services for the money can easily check that the money really is what it appears to be.

- Scarce means that the money supply does not increase quickly.
Utility means that the money is intrinsically desirable in some way; it can be consumed or has aesthetic value”