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 UK Protests

For years, the government has allowed, in lockstep with big business, the influx of an unsustainable number of migrants to such an extent that they have no idea of the numbers involved. The Office of National Statistics thinks the population will increase by 6.6 million (9.9%) between 2021 and 2036. The British people are proud of the many cultures that make up our nation, but the levels are far beyond what is feasible for a country to assimilate, and our own culture is being lost. The cause of the immigration, as I see it, is a flawed Ponzi scheme economy that needs an ever-increasing (cheap) workforce to pay the debts of the previous generation (and dependents on our state).

We have hotels that are full of migrants, with food provided, an allowance given, and medical and healthcare services provided. Yet, they remove the winter fuel allowance for our older generation, amongst other cuts and unresolved homelessness. We see boatloads of migrants, primarily fighting-age men. We see hotels that are full of fighting-age men. We are told they are fleeing persecution, but where are the women, and why are they not staying to protect their country?

The outcome of these policies affects, for example:

Housing: The government has a target of 1.5 million houses to be built by 2029, yet in 2023-2024 only 143,000 houses were built. Already, houses are everywhere, rammed up together, with people living on top of each other, peering into each other's gardens, and sprawling into our countryside (such as in the small village I live in, which is having 10,000 houses built on its doorstep). With supply and demand, house prices are unaffordable to the next generation (our children).

Healthcare: Our healthcare system can no longer cope. If you want a doctor's appointment, you have to wait weeks or go private. I've been waiting since December last year for an ultrasound scan. They send me texts asking if I still want the appointment and if I don't respond, they cancel it.

Transport: The roads are deteriorating—they are congested and full. From personal experience, I've spent thousands repairing suspension damage from potholes. Similarly, the airports are way past capacity, according to my travel experience.

Crime: Sexual assaults on women have doubled for children aged 13 or over since 2013. Knife crime is also up significantly over that period. Our most recent headline crimes are perceived as caused by a group in our society who do not share our values and culture—that group being (presumably) extremist Muslims.

Community in mourning after three girls killed in knife attack:

Two guilty of Lee Rigby murder:

'Soldier beheaded' in Woolwich machete attack: as it happened:

Woolwich: suspect believed to be involved in attack - video:

Newcastle grooming gang jailed for raping 13-year-old girl:

Grooming gang sentenced to nearly 350 years for rape of eight young girls:

Huddersfield grooming gang: Men convicted of sexually abusing vulnerable girls and jailed for 220 years:

Yet simultaneously, they inflate the money supply, causing prices to rise and devaluing their citizens' savings. They also increase taxes and provide an education system that indoctrinates our children.

The most recent attack in Southport was by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, who ran into a dance class of children and stabbed and murdered three young girls aged 7 or so, with others critically injured. The press was slow to clarify who committed the atrocity, which I think exacerbated the situation. Axel is aged 17 and is a child of immigrant parents from Rwanda. I don't think his family are Muslim, by the way.

So, yes, people are angry—very angry—and rightfully so. It takes a lot for the British public to protest. They have been betrayed by a government that doesn't listen to them, does not control immigration, and now labels it as "far-right thuggery." They are not far-right; they are working class (of all colours).

There is a two-tier policing system that lets one group run around with knives and machetes and protects Antifa. Yet when the working class protests, they turn up in riot gear, with dogs, and charge them down, inciting violence. In response, the government declares how they will increase the use of facial recognition and come down hard on anyone involved (including online), but there is no mention of how they will resolve the issues that have caused this outrage.

The most recent protests have been against the hotels profiting from the migrant situation. I hope that innocent people are not harmed and that the anger is directed towards the government that is complicit in causing this, not on our fellow mankind.

That said, I don't have live TV, and I am fortunate to live outside of the large towns where the protests are being held (generally up north, in Labour [left] voting towns, interestingly). I respect others' opinions, as it's difficult to see the whole picture from any one viewpoint. One thing is for sure: if the government continues not to listen and indeed acts against the working class, this won't stop here.

"When I see an actual flesh-and-blood worker in conflict with his natural enemy, the policeman, I do not have to ask myself which side I am on." - George Orwell


Net migration to push UK population to 74m by 2036, ONS projects

Starmer condemns 'far-right thuggery' on UK streets and says those involved 'will regret it':

How Winter Fuel Payments are changing – and what other support is available to pensioners?:

Knife crime statistics England and Wales:

How many violent attacks and sexual assaults on women are there?:

Labour wants to build 1.5m new homes - can it really deliver on its promise?:
