The blowing dirt is flaring up my allergies and asthma, and when I hear myself wheeze, I know it’s time for a spoonful of onion syrup! It’s such a simple, natural remedy that sounds much worse than it actually tastes 🤣 🧅🍯🧅🍯🧅🍯🧅🍯🧅🍯🧅🍯 Layer chopped onion and honey in a jar {onion, honey, onion, honey, etc} and let it sit for 24 hours. Then strain out the onion, and you’ve got a natural remedy for respiratory health! You can even add garlic, ginger, whatever you’d like to change up the taste or add extra benefits {garlic = antibiotic; ginger = anti-inflammatory} It helps a cough, respiratory infection, allergy inflammation, asthma inflammation, you name it! It works because onion is a natural expectorant, and both onion and honey are natural immune boosters, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory! It’s a much better alternative to mucinex or traditional cough medicines. And the syrup calms a sore throat too! If you can get local honey, it will help allergies as well! #onionsyrup #onion #honey #respiratoryhealth #naturalremedy #anti-inflammatory #immunebooster #homeremedy #herbalmedicine