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Takes a full hour for anything to actually happen. Densely plotted but with so much backstory and plodding exposition act the expense of actual busting ghosts.

At its best Frozen Empire is (barely) a step up from 1989's Ghostbusters II: The One With The Baby, and it's only the game cast that keeps things watchable while you wait (and wait) for things to happen.
Paul Rudd (happy to be away from that limp Ant-Man 3) and Carrie Coon are each given one note to play. You could have cut all of Finn Wolfhard's scenes and it wouldn't have mattered to the story. Not a knock against him, but there are so many returning characters most of them are shoehorned in with no real purpose.
Only McKenna Grace is given an actual arc and she does it serviceably. Kumail Nanjiani (happy to be away from that limp Eternals) gets the most laughs in a movie oddly bereft of them.
Balances the screentime of the new characters and old Ghostbusters well enough so it doesn't always feel like fan service. You just wish it was in service to a better story.
If you can make it past the frozen first hour, then you'll get what you paid for. 


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