Oddbean new post about | logout
 My current health plan is:

-Eat real nutrient dense foods.

-Intermittent fast for 12–16 hours per day. Vibes based. And sometimes go multi-day.

-Go for long walks or bike rides in the sun daily. Touch grass and do stuff. Often you can combine this with business meetings.

-Sprint a couple times per week.

-Do cold plunges a couple times per week. Seriously, this seems easy to skip and it’s hard. But if you want to triple dopamine levels for the working day without later downsides, putting yourself in freezing water is the thing.

-Do some squats and pushups. And then deadlift your own body weight for several reps.

-Even then you’ll potentially fail. This isn’t one of those meme posts. I used to be utterly ripped in my competitive martial arts days in my late teens until my mid twenties. But then I got distracted, mainly due to a broken leg and lack of direction. Over the past several Covid years, I’ve weakened, and had trouble hiking mountains. I still have visible abs but they feel fake now. But I focus on a couple things amid my crazy work, which I have ingrained now. The first is intermittent fasting. It literally fixes all my other errors as a baseline. I can fuck up for a year and not gain weight because I only eat in 6 or 8 hour windows. Or even 10 hours. The rest of the time trains the body to burn fat. Next is I do a reasonable baseline of pushups, squats, and sprints per week. Nobody can make me choose to. It’s just my baseline. Last is I do a lot of squats and bicycling to keep my leg muscles interested, which have been mediocre. So if a new martial arts leader has a plan, I’m happy to listen.