Why is it impossible for anything to travel faster than light? - Quora
If 50 Earth size planets were to smash into the sun every day on the side of the sun away from Earth, how long would it take to show any negative consequences on Earth and what would those consequences be? - Quora
What was it like to meet Richard Feynman? - Quora
I am a 7th year post doc, and I have not been able to get independent funding. Is it time to call it quits and give up on an academic research career in neuroscience? - Quora
Viktor Toth stated recently, ' [t] he so-called “wavefunction collapse” occurs when a quantum system and a purely classical system interact.' What does he mean by a 'purely classical system'? - Quora
Can you think of any examples of a villain with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, but still won you over by how well they did it? - Quora
How would a Roman legion fare against an equivalently sized Medieval army? - Quora