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 Dang, days of feeling off are totally, off, aren't they? I know know the feeling of not knowing how I feel. I am one of those who might say,  "This calls for some internal quiet time, for introspective to do some self reflecting"

 That feeling of being lonely, where nothing that we seem to do, is satisfying the hunger, or thirst for that feeling to be given what it needs to be happy, or to be content inside the body.

Yes, I threw some spiritsoul into the equation. Hear me out though, before we laugh or disregard the presence of our internal selves. 

From experience and through trial and error, mindfulness, and self analysis, I have found that more times than none, these feelings of being lonely, are always a neglect of our inner selves. 

I'm agnostic so I don't believe in just one diety, or one God. My earthly self, is more than just this body. This body is the materialized copy of the spirit self. This version of me, is the one people see. This version is modified and upgraded depending on how well our unseen copy(the internal self) is sustained and cared for. 

Self care is more than just a physical aspect. The multi-faceted beings we truly are, requires the nurturing, and love that seeks to fulfill the needs that can't be found from the worldly paths. However, these paths eventually transmute into something grand as we progress through into a higher place and onto a more rewarded adventure. 

I know this may sound mumbo-jumbo to many, but, not about them. Its For you.