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 Crews carefully start removing first piece of twisted steel from collapsed Baltimore bridge

Teams of engineers are working on removing the first section of twisted steel from the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore; The bridge collapsed into the Patapsco River after a cargo ship crashed into one of its supports; Cranes and cutting torches are being used to cut and lift the steel beams; The steel will be lifted onto a barge and floated away; The process is complicated and will affect the timeline for reopening the ship channel and the blocked Port of Baltimore; Four workers are still missing and presumed dead; The ship involved in the collision is managed by Synergy Marine Group and owned by Grace Ocean Private Ltd., chartered by Maersk; The cause of the collision is still under investigation; The Environmental Protection Agency has not detected any active releases or hazardous materials in the water; The bridge will be rebuilt, with the federal government covering the full cost; The closure of the port and the loss of the bridge will have economic impacts on dockworkers, commuters, and U.S. consumers; The port handles the most cars and farm equipment in the U.S.

#Baltimore #BridgeCollapse #FrancisScottKeyBridge #PatapscoRiver #CargoShip #Engineers #SteelBeams #Cranes #Tugboats #SalvageVessels
