For written content, nostr clients/apps handle it well natively, especially if you use one of the longform article apps such as or Yakihonne. I’ve used Habla more, but Yakihonne recently put out an update that I’ve seen some good reviews about. These articles are published to relays and many of the other nostr apps automatically show them to your followers. They are also web based, so you have nice web links to share on other platforms.
For photo, and offer great hosting plans and integrate well with nostr apps. costs a little more, but offers more features for managing your uploads. is more cost-friendly, but fewer features.
For video, nostr isn’t the greatest yet but it’s getting better. You can upload video files to or satellite, but no one has built a very good way to organize them and display them to your followers where they are viewable and searchable as a catalog. My recommendation would be to post casual social videos and short teaser/trailer videos to nostr, and use Rumble and YouTube for your catalog. Hopefully that gets better.
Nostr is also becoming a great place to share audio content. Fountain and Wavlake have fantastic apps for that.
Hope that helps.