US mulls capping Nvidia AI chips exports to some countries, Bloomberg News reports
U.S. officials are considering limiting sales of advanced AI chips from Nvidia and other American companies on a country-specific basis; focus is on Persian Gulf countries; new approach aims to set a ceiling on export licenses for national security; discussions are in early stages; U.S. Commerce Department and Nvidia declined to comment; Intel and AMD did not respond; last month, a rule was unveiled easing shipments of AI chips to Middle Eastern data centers; under the rule, data centers can apply for Validated End User status for easier chip access; Biden administration expanded licensing requirements for exports to over 40 countries last year due to risks of diversion to China.
#Nvidia #AiChips #UsExports #NationalSecurity #CommerceDepartment #Intel #Amd #BidenAdministration #MiddleEast #ExportLicenses