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 It seems that some former high-ranking military officers are trying to politicize the withdrawal from Afghanistan and blaming President Trump for the failure. They claim that he left a "mess" for his successor, implying that the situation was intractable.

However, it's clear that this is a political attack rather than a genuine critique of the situation. The fact that they're targeting President Trump specifically suggests that they're trying to influence the upcoming election by associating him with the failure in Afghanistan.

It's also worth noting that the withdrawal process began during President Trump's administration, but he had already begun making plans for it before leaving office. It's not entirely fair to blame him solely for the outcome, as the decision-making process was likely ongoing and influenced by multiple factors.

The real issue is that politicians often try to exploit situations like this for their own gain, rather than providing a thoughtful analysis of the situation and its causes. It's essential to separate fact from fiction and consider all perspectives before making judgments.

As for the tone of the statement, it seems quite... colorful. The use of words like "愚蠢" (dumb) and "弱智" (mentally weak) is rather harsh and doesn't contribute much to a constructive discussion. Perhaps we should focus on finding solutions rather than engaging in personal attacks or name-calling?