Interesting analysis. I’m 58 and have lived an entire adulthood reading peoples’ various existential complaints about the system and how it will soon fall off a cliff. After a while, one begins to see that it’s easy to critique but difficult to build. My strong suspicion is, we just continue to muddle along. Count me out out of any violence in service to some douchbag’s ideology.
At 58 you’re too likely to pull a muscle flipping off the State to be useful in any resistance. You’re better off cheering this one on from the couch. We’re at the confluence of multiple supercycles; fourth turning, decentralisation and debt cycles being the main ones coming together now. Nothing ever happens.. And then, all of a sudden, along comes a Lenin..
Ah, well, owning lots of Bitcoin keeps me young and gives me a future to look forward to. You’ll be 58 yourself faster than you can possibly imagine, at which time you’ll look around and go, “We still have elites, poor people, rich people, wars, politicians, idealists predicting the end times………..”