[$] Kernel optimization with BOLT
A pair of talks in the <a href="https://lpc.events/event/18/sessions/180/#20240918" rel="nofollow">toolchains
track</a> at the <a href="https://lpc.events/event/18/page/224-lpc-2024-overview" rel="nofollow">2024 Linux
Plumbers Conference</a> covered different tools that can be used to
optimize the kernel. First up was Maksim Panchenko to describe the <a href="https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/bolt#bolt" rel="nofollow">binary
optimization and layout tool</a> (BOLT) that Meta uses on its production
kernels. It optimizes the kernel binary by rearranging it to improve its
code locality for
better performance. A subsequent article will cover the second talk, which
looked at <a href="https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/45290.pdf" rel="nofollow">automatic
feedback-directed optimization</a> (AutoFDO) and other related techniques
that are used to optimize Google's kernels.