Oddbean new post about | logout
 This isnt Guess Who maaate lol

(I would never follow this person)

Just saw it promoted on a client I also never used, and will likely never use again now 
 It’s not? 😂😂

I understand your point 🫂👀 
 Also I’m 60% sure I know. I won’t say what my guess is 
 Stop this!!! Now **I** need to know who you lot are guessing lolol. This has backfired terribly.  
 Hard to imagine what would be too much for the Gilfmeister :O , mustv'e been fucking mouldy af. 
 Lolol I was being quite over the top. But it's like... so bad I thought it was parody. 🤐🤐🤐 And I've said too much already 
 I hate how easily I can be coaxed into just blurting lolol. 
 It's Bitcoin related, I know that. 
 I'm banning you from this thread. You're obviously a private investigator 😤😤 
 You're banned from guessing lol. It's like being chased by a police dog. 
 Primal, defo primal 
 Nah, I kinda have a soft spot for primal actually. Cos it just works. (Not as good as w ditto which I just forget to use, bit remembering more) 


I want a lawyer. 
 Coracle then 
 No no no. I like your tactic, cos now I'm forced to defend clients I like. Sneaky seimi, sneaky. I like your style tho.

Coracle is good.  
 Okay :

- Bitcoin related
- On a client that isn't Primal or Coracle

I'm out 
 Good good 😊

I won't use the client again for subjecting me to it. I closed the tab like this

 Okay I'm back, I need to know what this is.
Theres only a handful of clients, dafuq? 
 I can only apologise for doing this to you. Lol 
 Is it this :

 It's this. 
 Nope. Not even seen this post ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

But it is similarly a parallel nostr feed I rarely see. 
 That pic lollll 
 You know the video right lol?

 Yeahh that's why it's so fucking funny XD