I last had flu, the bone aching shaking wipeout flu, not a cold, 50 years ago. I have never had a flu jab, and This year I have had two bouts, one in June wtf and coming out of another now.
Speaking to a couple of friends of a similar age who are also very healthy as a rule, share similar stories. I don't travel at all, but they both have had exposure to international work environments.
I have clearly not gained immunity from exposure after my first June episode.
I'm not mentioning the c word here because that has not been diagnosed. The word is there are some plain and simple nasty flu strains floating around the world these days. And if that's the case, a flu jab seems like an even less effective proposition than when flu was somehow predictable, a jab was based on what strain is flourishing in Australia and it would still get office workers, school kids and OAPs in homes.
Any thoughts or insights?