SEC Rule Changes Empower Shareholder Activists, Raising Concerns About the American Economy
#e293caf6 ver:0.15
The SEC's rule changes have empowered shareholder activists, leading to backlash from companies like Exxon Mobil. The spike in ESG proposals is a result of the SEC making it easier for such resolutions to reach corporate ballots. Europe's strong political and consumer support for ESG and robust regulatory framework have helped it withstand the backlash, while the US faces challenges to shareholder rights and increasing politicization of corporate proxy ballots. The contrasting experiences demonstrate the importance of political will, public sentiment, and regulatory measures in shaping sustainable finance. #ESG #shareholderactivism #regulation...
#newstr #Sec #ShareholderActivism #BoardNominations #ProxyProcesses #BusinessOperations #FinancialBurden #MarginalInvestors #PoliticalGoals #PubliclyTradedCompanies #AmericanEconomy