in the states, we supposedly have limits on what government can tax... basically commerce. there's enough taxable commerce to provide for every single dime of legislation without trampling on rights. this is the basis of the homestead exemption for households that decided to own a homestead by right and practice commerce on the same property. the government CANNOT tax both. ONLY the business portion, thus the exemption for the homestead and the business portion split out for separate valuation, assessment and return filings so as not to infringe on the substantive right of providing shelter and other creature comforts for the dependents and family... of course government will murder millions if the vote is 51% majority, heck! sometimes they only need 50% +1 to justify their democratist horrors and monstrosities... so engaging in budget scope creep by means of "legal abuse", "abuse of process" and "color of law actions" in order to "collect a little extra" since it's all for "a good cause" has become the normalcy over decades of no one caring to engage politically at the local level and spazzing out every 4 years at the national political level.