Lots of good stuff there. Although I’m pretty sick of hearing about it just being ‘men on the boats’.
After the Second World War, my grandad, who was Polish and fought for the Allies (including at Monte Casino), came over to the UK after the war and went down the pit to mine coal. He left his wife, who he’d met in Italy, to come here and earn some money. She had told him that she’d only come over, with her two daughters, once he had a house. So he worked solidly for a year, and bought a house after getting a mortgage for ~£500. His wife then came over here a year later and not long after that my dad was born.
Although I never met them, I am incredibly proud of my grandad and grandma. They created a great life for future generations and were both migrants who were welcomed here.
The moral of this story is that it’s nearly always men that speculate and climb over the mountain, or cross the sea, in search of a better life for themselves and their families.
Blaming migrants and poor people for our problems is incredibly weak. The fiat system, banks, big corporations, and neoliberal authoritarian governments are the focus of my disdain.