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This place will likely be overwhelmed with trolls, morons, and angry and bitter people one day soon like all the rest. Muting will be a very necessary tool in your toolbox (and it even helps other with your web of trust), don’t forget to use it before getting angry and fighting with people trying to trigger you. 

This is also how you can keep the vibe up indefinitely, curate your graph deliberately. Use the network, don’t let the network use you.

GM 😁 
 Well said. GM PV 🧡💜 
 Great advice, GM! 🫡 
 PV. Muting is a super power. 🤙🏻 
 True chose your own adventure 
 This will become increasingly important as more and more governments control legacy corporate media or try to ban it like the United States plans to ban TikTok or Brazil banned X. 

The assholes will have no place left besides nostr.

 love your work guy! 
 Yes! Nostr doesn’t fix all angry and sad people in the world :)

But it helps you to make better decision 
 Good morning!

This was a great reminder! 🫡 
 Read this in my head in Matthew McConaughey’s voice: “you gotta uuuse the network, don’t let the network uuuse you.” 
 Wise words. 
EZ | 7 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 GM ser  
 Truth. Curate your environment. Garbage in garbage out. Mute the garbage.

@TheGuySwann Can you clarify how my muting of someone helps others avoid the muted and vice versa? 
 For the clients that show web of trust statistics. I think it was on coracle that it has a little circle with a number next to names. I got a message from @LynAlden but noticed the circle had a -3 in it and in less than a second I knew it was an impersonator.

(Negative 3 means no one I know is following this person, and 3 people I know have muted this person)

I’m honestly shocked this isn’t a standard for every client. It’s one of the simplest and lowest barrier ways to deal with spam that I know of, that’s uniquely available in #nostr 
 For real. I’m making a list of features for clients that are optimal or recommended after being a new user on 5 or 6 clients in the last couple weeks. My recommendations are user-centric because I don’t know the protocol level too well. This seems like a big miss to not have this on the clients I’ve tried. I’m iOS and macOS. On what client have you seen it leveraged? 
 I believe Coracle is the only one I’ve used that has it right next to the username (kinda like the verified check), which I think is the natural place, imo.

I’m sure others use it as well but I don’t know which ones off the top of my head or in what ways they utilize it exactly.

I know Satlantis intends to use this extensively 
 True, true, Nostr is a first place where I have to actively manage my follow and block lists. It is a bit of a different approach, but not a huge problem. 
 I also have to remind myself that some will feel like trolls initially, but may actually be new users with different ideas or that lack perspective. I sometimes have to remind myself how it can be healthy to have varied opinions in the room. 
 How are we going to fight spam bots? I already see some automatically posting replies to posts. It will be impossible to out-mute them as they can create infinite new nsecs at no cost. 
 Web of trust.

You could auto-mute anyone who is completely outside your web of trust without any one step connection to accounts you know. And the ability to see it in the list so you can expand, versus completely hiding it could also be based on degrees of separation. ie. More than 6 degrees? Hide completely. 5 degrees or less, leave a “show post” option for muted comments.

Leveraging the web of trust is a massively underappreciated tool, imo. 
 What sorcery is this? 🤔 
 I think coracle and satlantis are the only clients/tools I know explicitly utilizing this so far. Spam isn’t bad enough for it to be a necessity, but it will be soon, for better or worse. 
 I know you read it before, but maybe if you read it again maybe it will click at a deeper level? We can fight back using #peercuration https://github.com/baumbit/peercuration?tab=readme-ov-file#peercuration 
 Six Degrees of Separation was a great film, honestly..... 👊🏻 
 Oh, and really enjoyed the new podcast format this week.... 🥂🔥 
 Yeah, anyone with more than x hops from you could just be auto muted.

Thats a really good idea. 
Has this been implemented anywhere yet? 
 Not that I know of, but I’m hoping it catches on. I’m too busy with other things to fight with making my own Nostr client, but it’ll end up on my list of things to fund if others don’t do it first. 
 I believe Amethyst does proactive ones kinda like this, if a few of my contacts mark something as spam or whatever, it'll mark it for me, too, without doing anything. It was a bit controversial when first rolled out.  
 We can leverage the web of trust by creating a crowd based decentralized sorting function called #peercuration A bonus it that it will help solve the issue with centralized relays: https://github.com/baumbit/peercuration?tab=readme-ov-file#peercuration 
 Someday people will understand that #peercuration will solve this issue. But right now people dont. Pain seems to be required. 
 Power to the plebs! 
 I’d pay sats for a feed that only shows notes from npubs that were active before a certain date. It can be called: Eternal August. 
 💯 I hope more of the popular clients integrate better curation tools for users. Right now mute and unfollow are about the only way to manage noisy/talkative follows. They aren’t necessarily doing anything “bad” but they clutter your feed when you follow them. The problem is that muting and unfollowing them helps tame your feed, but messes with web of trust stuff. Lists or follow groups/categories or something would help. 
 I follow you but don’t talk too much

 Haha I don’t have you muted as far as I can tell 😅 I nuked my old mute list a couple weeks ago to start fresh, so hopefully it’s updated everywhere. It had gotten too large 😂😂 
aa | 7 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 How does muting help others? I thought muting was private (or as private as can be achieved given the current state of Nostr.) 
 It might depend on the client but there is a public mute metric. I don’t know of any that give the option to decide between doing it locally (private) or broadcasting it for your npub so it’s synced on all clients (public) 
 GM! ☕ ☀️ 🫂 
 mute is greatly underappreciated and under used. We use it all the time 🤣 
. | 7 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 So happy to have gotten here early and picked out a nice nostr camp 🏕️ 
 You’re the one posting hot takes and then getting butthurt if anyone has an opposing view. 
 At least we can can find a solution and apply it. Both protocol and most of its applications are open source.  
 With scale comes dilution of quality but I think with nostr and the way clients will cater to different people, it will be more managable as people use the same protocol but fracture into their own niches  
 💯 spot on. I always ask myself, if I choose to engage, am I ready to receive any unpleasant comments towards me and if the outcome  justifies the energy I invest on it? u too have an amazing day! 👏🫰🤓 
 Good advice 🫡 🎯 
 Just wanted to drop a line to say I discovered your podcast on here and have been binging it for the past few days!  Rest assured, all my normie friends will be subscribers in no time https://image.nostr.build/8f9ee174b2b209d27d781c69b141fea11ed810068de0df869a282fd08a54bf5f.jpg  
 @TheGuySwann orange pilled me! 
 It’s the trigger trolls who are the worst. Some don’t even know is they are doing it. 
 I will be enjoying the  pleasantries until that day comes… GM☕️ 
 Yes! I was just thinking "the fucking trolls" they are real on Nostr. annoying af. 

am | 7 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 All this whthout central moderation 
 We’re going to have to get better at curating and distributing mute lists we can subscribe to. 

Was happy to see that there is a "follow user's mute list" function in primal. 

I could very much see myself just borrowing a few very selective people's trusted mute lists to keep control of what I see on my own terms. 
 I see that coming too 😂👌😁 
 What about bots? Does nostr solves this? 
 GM network