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Dear Dr. Freemo: I personally have encountered many people who are racist, many have been minorities, I also meet minorities who are nice people, I think news media amplifies racism, I grew up with KKK and Nazis living in my community. I learned early that racism is often subtle when it occurs and often people are selectively racist. I do not want to perpetuate racism, but people are going to far eliminating all historical symbols. We are just too sensitive and serious, take the case of the native Americans objecting to sports teams use of native American tribe names.They consider it exploitation, I believe that it is harmless, like the University of Notre Dame's Fighting Irish.

I am Irish, I do not feel exploited because the University of Notre Dame uses the name Fighting Irish for commercial purposes. 

I am totally against discrimination, everyone should rethink erasing our entire American History in favor of political correctness. We need to know that blacks made major contributions to American society during World War II in spite of racism, it is imperative that we do not omit unpleasant and horrific human rights atrocities in order to attempt to erase past wrongs, we need to stop revising history! 

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, #FreePeoplesFreePress News