Oddbean new post about | logout
 πŸ˜‚πŸš¨ MEME CONTEST πŸš¨πŸ˜‚
1st place - 10k sats! 
2nd place - 5,555 sats! 
3rd place - 3,333 sats! 
Everyone else will get a participation zap ⚑️ 
Reply with your nostr related/themed meme to this note with the hashtag #Nostrmemes (only 1 entry per participant) so make sure its good!!! I will not I repeat I will NOT be the one picking the best meme, instead at the last 30 mins or so I will repost all entries for my followers to see & vote on their favorite ones, only form of voting is β€œliking/reacting” not replying or zapping, you may repost it as well & have your frens repost your note as well, the community will vote & decide which meme stands victorious! We’re here to have fun & keep nostr weird!!! THIS CONTEST WILL LAST 3 HOURS! & if it has high participation rate, I’ll make sure to do it EVERY day!!! GOOD LUCK MY FRENS!!! MAY LORD KEK SMILE UPON YOU πŸ˜‚πŸ«‚