I modified my dating profile a couple times this year and noticed the type of women I was suggested change a lot. At first I didn’t put much info and I got a lot of unattractive and/or large women. I added my life aspirations, career, and things that I’m looking for then got slightly more attractive women but a good amount of them were older or single moms. The last update I made was focused on trying to signal status and value. I put in phrases like financial security, wealth, and travel. I even made a joke about being a millionaire. I noticed that the algorithms are now showing me smoking hot young girls. I’m talking girls that are 9-10. A lot of them are verified too so it’s not like bots or fake accounts. It’s pretty clear that the most beautiful women want the highest value men. And the wealthiest men want the youngest and most beautiful women. Keep stacking sats fellas, we’re all getting girlfriends!