I'm gonna just get more and more stupid on the topic.
Btc is saving tech for me and I will see what else happens while I hold on to as much sats as I can. After reading this and other notes/replies, btc now feels a bit like a gamble.
So this is FUD 😶😬
It still I feel is a good bet on not getting poor and controlled by cbdc, but still.. I now realize I need to trust and there I thought btc was trustless. Ignorant bitcoiner..
So there are good and bad devs? Good and bad ideas...
We can vote. I can try follow the dev-plans, while I understand little to noting on hard/soft fork and wish to see a developed pitchforks. I can let myself be influenced by whom I consider intelligent in the game. Would my vote be of value? Because this software stuff I don't understand and I will need a timemachine to shoot back in time to my prior self and say 'YO, learn IT, oh and buy some btc in 2009'
In 50 years or 500 years is this kind of development still needed?
I said a gamble earlier, because if the powers that be make a harder effort than they do now to get their hands on the bitcoiners, the ones with good development skills, they can lock'm up, corrupt them or just bomb a btc gathering, right? How easy can btc be
controlled if this battle would happen? We ARE, let not forget, trying to dethrone some people that do not wish to loose their power. All we got is a peaceful move, they got the armies.
Maybe as Craig said in this video I say and remember being said as; - Number one thing to do now is help people learn btc, how to self custody and after that how to run a node.
I don't mean to shit on your day, but I'm reading words like 'we need to be realistic on the work that needs to be done on bitcoin and the opensource development' Well I hope the ones out there in the open do realize the big bulls eye they got on them and I hope you others, in the shadows, with good intention & dev skills in you know how to stay under the radar.
I wish you good luck and wisdom.