** Java Encapsulators for Type Conversion: Understanding the Limitations and Solutions Java's `println()` method automatically converts numeric values for console display, but methods like `read()` lack a similar feature for converting string numerals into internal binary formats. To address this limitation, Java provides type encapsulator classes, such as `Double`, `Float`, `Long`, `Integer`, `Short`, `Byte`, `Character`, and `Boolean`. These wrappers enable the use of primitive types as objects, offering methods for string-to-binary conversions. The type encapsulators, including integer encoders like `parseInt()` and `parseDouble()`, facilitate string-to-integer or double conversions. This allows for calculations such as user-inputted number averages. ** Source: https://dev.to/devsjavagirls/usando-os-encapsuladores-de-tipos-da-linguagem-java-para-converter-strings-numericos-512f