I understand why maintenance is often low priority, as it's one of those things that no customer wants to pay for or wait for, but if you don't do it, those same customers will totally trash you.
My general impression is that the customers who insist you don't need to take the time to do maintenance, are the first people to bail, when the system goes to pot. The ones who were asking you to clean stuff up were actually emotionally invested in the next version. They don't want to switch. They want this product tidied up. That's why they're frustrated and whining at you.
It's like with wives. The one who occasionally nags you, probably isn't going anywhere. The one who is indifferent to everything, is preparing to meet up with her boyfriend.
gah, i was going to tie this back to relationships, but you nailed it. such a great point.
a good man is always aware of and on top of the maintenance.