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"I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it," reads the letter. "I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today" (Mark Zuckerberg)

For Zuckerberg to claim that, if yesterday he had had the information that he has today, then he would have made different choices, is no different than for a central planner to claim that, if yesterday he had had the information about scarcity that he has today, he would have fixed different prices. In both cases, there is an inversion between cause and effect.

The reason to have free market prices is precisely the fact that they (and thus the process of competition) are the only way we can discover information about scarcity that cannot be known beforehand: this information cannot be available before free market prices are formed. This is why collectivist systems fail.

Similarly, the reason to have a free market of ideas (and of information, and of representation of facts, and of offences as well) is precisely the fact that only through the process of such competition can one arrive at the truth. A truth that is established by an authority before the competition process play its magic is by definition just propaganda. This is the reason why Zuckerberg failed.

In short, in apologising for his mistake and trying to justify himself, #Zuckerberg shows that he did not understand what his mistake was, and therefore confirms that, in a similar situation, he'll do exactly the same mistake again. Like many people who don't understand the basics of economics, he is like someone who wants something but without the work that's necessary to get it, because he doesn’t know that that work (the free market competition process) is necessary to get it and there is no possible way around it.