man, every time i see woke shit i want to fucking smash my computer screen fuck you, fuck you and your commie, marxist fucking bullshit!!!! i hate the internet the internet is so full of commies i could puke
just go nostr only
it was some gay shit on my brave browser brave has mostly been good to me with this... mostly it just shitcoins, which is not so much woke mostly, i need to disable the stupid ads on the stupid background again i literally chafe and whinge when i even have to use email, and at the fact i have to pay to use it properly (gonna move all my shit over to proton now tho, since i fucking pay) no, every time i'm asked for a new password, i cry, i hate, and i want to stab and smash no, you fucking get with the times, stupid website, we have FUCKING REMOTE SIGNERS NOW you retarded teenies dickheads
Not just the internet. I see so much woke off the screen as well.
yeah, i'm lucky, i don't see much of that around here in Sao Vicente which is part of the reason why i prefer to be here than over in Funchal
I had to look that up. Wow looks beautiful.
yeah, it's pretty nice, but tbh i wanted to live in Camacha, over on the south east of the island... the most high elevation, and the most based people
i may organise myself to move to camacha... tbh i'm tired of this place... everyone is so uptight and normal
You want to live somewhere where the people keep it a little weird. I can relate. I feel a bit suffocated by the people where I live and love dreaming of my escape.
the people here are nice enough though, tbh i also am tired of the damp air and constant clouds
i think they are a bit weirder over in camacha, idk... at least the people i met when i first landed there... some kind of goth chick with bangs and fringe and tats and her sister is this skinny little hippy, tehy were running an airbnb... i quite liked them tbh... but really different to what i'm used to
Yup. Pretty much.
Most of them are paid to make it look as if all are leftists. But you then speak in real life and nobody is
and the fact they are willing to do this, makes them even worse than homos it makes them LIARS and FAKES which is what they always were which is why i hate society and fuck society humans are so easily confused and led to do retarded shit it's embarrassing i'm ashamed to be part of this species
People are fake and must follow the crowd, except they aren’t following the crowd. They are following the fake propaganda