"If Michael Tomlinson KC, Solicitor General, hoped that prosecuting Trudi Warner, a 68 year old retired social worker from Walthamstow, East London would deter others, it’s not going to plan. On Monday, 25 September, days after Mr Tomlinson announced his decision prosecute Ms Warner, 252 members of the public replicated her action outside criminal courts around the country, from Truro to Carlisle, from Swansea to the Old Bailey." #TrudiWarner #ClimateAction https://defendourjuries.org/press/solicitor-generals-prosecution-of-trudi-warner-for-holding-sign-sparks-nationwide-public-resistance/
“In 2023 telling the truth is being treated as a criminal act, with people prosecuted for displaying facts in public, and imprisoned for explaining their motivations in their own defence in a court of law. I am deeply afraid of a world where truth, science and morality are not important, or where we are not free to fight for them.” Dr. Abi Perrin, Scientist, U.K. #TrudiWarner #ClimateAction
@74d39ae2 found the article again. Ignore my question on one of your Trudi threads. Here it is for any bumblers like me. I think it’s magnificent. https://barristermagazine.com/we-are-all-trudi-warner-promoting-the-rights-of-jurors-in-the-twenty-first-century/