12 of The Greatest Life Lessons
߹ Never give up. Be persistent like a wolf. Persist until you get what you want.
߹ Never depend on luck. Luck is for the lazy and losers. Do yourself a favor. Create your own luck.
߹ Get rid of FEAR. Fear drives you away from opportunity and leads to poverty.
߹ Do yourself a favour. Learn at least 7 essential survival skills that are high net-worth and you’ll never run out of money.
߹ Nobody is going to make you as happy as yourself. Make every effort to make yourself happy and you’ll never lack it.
߹ Get into business for yourself and free yourself from bully-bosses who only use you and underpay you.
߹ Fight like a lioness for what belongs to you. Use every muscle in your flesh to get what’s yours. Nobody is going to give it to you willingly.
߹ Don’t fear death. Fear dying without a purpose.
߹ Feed a dog in three days and they'll remember you for three years. Feed a human for one year and they'll forget you in three days.
߹ My greatest Life Lesson is that life can change in a second. This is why it's important to live your best possible life.
߹ A liar is worse than a Thief. A Thief may rob you of your material possession. A liar can steal your destiny.
߹ Hard work is built on a foundation of trust. Trust in yourself and trust those around you.