I didn’t even know this was going on National Guard deployed to subway stations in NYC 👀 starting to look like freaking TSA smh https://v.nostr.build/qndB.mp4 https://v.nostr.build/2LmR.mp4
Nothing to see here.
“Crime in NYC is down!” 💀
I had to go through a TSA search to leave Portugal. They weren't impressed with my laptop that wouldn't turn on due to a dead battery and they were confused about my Bitcoin Point of Sale device. That was a fun time.
🤣 sounds like a freaking blast
Definitely a lot of fun. Would highly recommend.
imagine a future where the TSA experience is a ride at some fucked up amusement park
This will last for like 2 months and then they’ll say mission accomplished and pack up.
Crime is getting out of hand. Whatcha gonna do in a failing empire?
the left claims crime in nyc has gone down n then goes ahead n does this lol im on neither side but holy shitt lol hella contradictions
Bread and Circuses Bro...
What else are you going to have in the fiat capital of the world?
We can’t expect nothing less from them
!!! say it louder for the ones in the back!
In China you have run your bags through and X-ray machine every time you got into the subway… I doubt they work tho. And the people who are running them are definitely irregular crayons…no much going on upstairs, don’t actually check for anything
That’s fucking wild
That’s always been the plan
crazy we’re already living it
What 4th amendment?
frfr but you know these fuckers always find a bs reason to make it a “reasonable” search & seizure
Nous vivons de plus en plus dans un monde où notre sphère personnelle n'est plus respectée et ça craint au nom de quoi !?.. Sous le prétexte du bien commun on met en de plus en plus des choses qui violent notre propre identité personnelle, me sent révoltée lorsque je me retrouve contrainte d'accepter ces choses qui vont au delà de la liberté individuelle si bafouée.. les fouilles corporelles, de nos sacs aux vues de tous sans oublier lorsque vous êtes une femme se trouver avec une inconnue qui vous injoncte de ne pas bouger et qui peut même toucher vos parties intimes si vous portez des serviettes hygiéniques c'est le comble.. Basta à cette connerie qui se propage dans nos vllkes dites civilisées
That looks like a blast. Bumping up NYC subway ride on my itinerary for next visit.
lmk if you get any good souvenirs
The latex hand of the government.
Yes they’re definitely searching the right people in the right stations. LMAO.
pol-ice and military are the most fucking psychopathic pieces of shit animals, we as a society have ever produced! Stupid dumb order followers! With their shinny metal badges and costumes, I did not know it was Halloween?! Fucking low life scums! This how stupid those pieces of shit animals are... https://m.primal.net/HjRI.mp4
Always the same tactic - create chaos, violence, then provide the “solution” which inevitably means you give up more freedoms for your false safety.
dont you guys have something that protects against unreasonable searches? this to me would feel unreasonable
Yeah our fourth amendment but as you know they always find a “reason” to make it “reasonable” that’s why they can get away with anything they don’t have to change laws or constitution they can just enforce it however they’d like it’s a shame, if you think back to any war, it’s always been unreasonable yet they claim their reasoning is good enough
i mean there was a second amendment too keep these things in check though… Yeah but luckily the good guys won all the wars so far fortunately
That’s his story we won’t know the truth if we only acknowledge the history we’re fed
They call this diversity and it's a strength
hey its called sosioeconomic factors bigot