Oddbean new post about | logout
 Loin de là.. 
 Je vous comprends maleureusement l'autocritique   est malvenue objectiivement surtout venant des utilisateurs sur nostr même Édouard Snowden l'avait relevé avant Nostriasia ..certains en soif de public lui ont juste dit qu'il *suce*  et c'était complètement stupide  
 Dites vous etiez pas Elisa qui avait participé à la diffusion des Twitter files par M' Tweet l'an dernier tout comme Mosquito Capitale? Votre nom me dit des choses ..un énorme travail ces moments là..il fallait du recul pour des professionnels.., bonsoir  
 I can’t translate this here. 
 you weren't Elisa who participated in the distribution of the Twitter files by M' Tweet last year just like Mosquito Capitale? Your name means things to me..a huge amount of work at that time..professionals needed to take a step back.., good evening. Sorry  j thought it was automatic by your side when we share a note by nostr '.amethyst is better than Damus . By Android WE don't meet this sort of problems 
 It’s still difficult to understand the translation but I actually didn’t participate in any twitter files and to my knowledge my name didn’t come up in any twitter files. I encouraged a Twitter files CSE but that can’t happen for various reasons. Primarily safety issues for all parties involved. 

We all did a spaces together about CSE last year in December and I believe that covered the topic adequately. They needed time to make changes. Changes occurred and there is still room for improvement.