this is very refreshing! I used to feel guilty for not following the Google SEO or any SEO because I feel I had to follow what every gurus on the internet is doing. I even took the time to record a "note to myself" how to set-up my tracking! But at the end of the day, I asked myself, why on Earth am I doing this? I have a website because I want to help people and not because I want to impressed and beat Google's search engine! If it means I reach 1 person then be it! There is no point writing on something to make it viral and I hate what I am writing. No wonder so many "so called influencers" burned out because they no longer follow their passion, they are following the numbers! 🤓 PS. I have Google analytics on mine but I do not review the number so it is useless to me! I follow what is my heart telling me to write!