Starting to realize Intelligent Systems was based for portraying Claude as the ultimate jewish pawn in Three Houses and how retarded he is. >Mutt >Hates Whites >Thinks he's clever but is actually retarded >Wants to destroy an ancient continent full of history/culture/tradition because muh racism >Would basically have to murder everyone that disagrees with him since they and their kids will hold values counter to him, especially generations down the line >If not that he has to brainwash citizens and everyone knows people aren't retarded enough to deny their instincts >Not to forget that he's a coward underneath it all >Most boring and uninspired route/story in FE history Give me the tragic Warrior King story 9 times out of 10.
@155fa0c3 Did you play Three Hopes? It (probably unintentionally) truly exposes Claude for the subversive snake that he is. He is literally Obama Secret Muslim, the character. At one point he openly talks about wanting to tear down Fodlan's traditions - while hiding the fact that he's actually from Almyra, Fodlan's historical Enemy. He teams up with the people who start a continent-wide war of aggression - while claiming he does so to END the war and bring peace, yet his every action just helps prolong the war. Oh, and he's also a snake when it comes to his new allies.