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 Their point about real democracy was that it suffered tyranny of the majority. But the thing is, the system they choose is the one that suffers from this problem. The federal government will eventually eat the US, with time. 

Swiss democracy is the only system with no tyranny of the majority. It has referendums every 3 months and thus no group can ever win constantly. There's no tyranny of the majority because there's no majority ever. You win today, you lose tomorrow, and on it goes.

- 7 Principles of the Swiss Democracy
	- People's Veto Power (power to deny any law at any level)
	- Federalism (3 referendum levels, national, regional and local)
	- Open Lists (a.k.a vote in the people, not parties)
	- People's Initiatives (a.k.a let the people start new laws)
	- The Constitutional Referendums (a.k.a raising taxes always triggers a referendum)
	- Public Recalls (everybody can be removed from political positions)
	- Mixed Executive Government (parties work together)