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Amyloid plaques are a characteristic feature of Alzheimer’s disease, but recent research suggests a more nuanced understanding of their role. A decline in soluble amyloid-beta levels may be the primary driver of the disease, with plaques being a consequence. Toxic amyloid oligomers and inside-cellular origins of plaque formation are also being explored as alternative mechanisms. Ongoing research aims to clarify the complex relationships between amyloid, tau, and other factors to develop effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.

essentially, there is a really good reason to think that this amylose formation that is characteristic of alzheimers may be a result of chronic elevated blood glucose, as a secondary mechanism to reduce blood sugar - by stringing it together into amylose

this stuff builds up and sticks to nerves because it is quite nonpolar (like fats and oils) and this interferes with the transmission of nerve signals by constricting the pathway between synapses, by repelling hydroxyl ions (acids) part of the normal salty solution around cells

this is almost certainly related to the optic and muscular problems i have had in the last few years, and part of it has to do with dehydration and part of it with the kidney not working well there is an excessive elimination of potassium

my aunty, who is the child of said oma whose ancestry likely traces back to a dude who looks along similar lines to the dude in thet photo, either 2 or 3 generations back, is not of stock that is used to consuming starches, they are from mountain land and their diet is fruits and meats, and they are known to have been cannibals at some point and very warlike, so it can be safely guessed that they mostly eat meat and starve in between their hunts

the asian genetics associated with tolerating grains and especially rice originate from the mainland of china, and many of the islands and peninsulas that come from this region are full of people who don't have these genetics, and it wiped them out, mostly, the Ainu of japan, the papuans, the aboriginals, they all were devastated by the introduction of starch based diets